Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pre-teen Drama Girl

So today I don't have any real earth-shattering stuff to share, except a little lot of drama...that's my girl!

My mom and I had lunch this afternoon...Cotton Patch provided the food...I provided the entertainment.  We laughed a lot at the drama of raising a very bright daughter.  It's funny how much she related the stories of our hectic, dramatic week to my glory days in Jr. High.  What's funny is that I don't remember being a drama child at all.  I was certainly not near as social or as outgoing as Maresa is.  I was a fairly shy kid and she is so not shy! And, I'm certain that I was a very even-keeled, rational child...she's rational, but even-keeled she is not.

It has been one DRAMATIC week around here!  Drama Drama Drama at every turn!  Which, in case you didn't already know, I don't deal well with at all!  I like order, not chaos!  We've had tears regularly about too much homework, homework forgotten at school, homework brought home but book forgotten at school, not enough time to do a project, not getting recess, and to top it all 89 on her report card!  That last one just completely ruined her day.  Yeah, she's a little bit of a perfectionist, but I don't know where she got that gene.

Oh yeah, we do have that one tiny little thing in common!

After this week...we need a re-do!

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